A Civil Tongue: Standards for Effective Communication / Una lengua civil: estándares para una comunicación efectiva
Good writing and speaking meets five basic standards: It's clear, complete, correct,
efficient, and effective. Here are some examples:
- Clear. The reader gets the meaning you, the writer, intended. There's no ambiguity or guesswork; everyone's on the same page.
- Complete. Good writing is the bun and the beef; the reader gets the complete package. With effective communication, readers have everything they need to evaluate the message and act on it.
- Correct. The writing is free from errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics. There are no bloopers in such areas as spelling, capitalization, word order, and sentence structure.
- Efficient. The words are arranged on the page to save the reader time. The layout is clear and crisp, so the message is easy to track. Here are the Top Two of page arrangement: Organization and Visual impact.
- Effective. Because all the ducks are in a row, effective writing conveys a positive image of the writer and his or her company, organization, or group. Because it treats the reader with consideration, good writing creates good feelings, too.
- Grammar is a branch of linguistics that deals with the form and structure of words.
- Usage is the customary way we use language in speech and writing. The correct level of usage is the one that is appropriate for the occasion.
- Mechanics include punctuation, numbers, quotation marks, capitalization, abbreviations, and italics.
- A writer's style is his or her distinctive way of writing.
- Good communication is clear, complete, correct, efficient, and effective.
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